Safeguarding Team
At Battle Martial Arts we are committed to safeguarding.
Please find details of our safeguarding team who are here to support and protect you whether you are a member, parent, carer or supporter of our club.
Sam Phyall
Chief Instructor and Safeguarding Lead
phone: 07789 512002
About the Safeguarding Code
The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts has been created to assist parents and carers when searching for martial arts clubs suitable for children or adults in their care.
Funded by the National Lottery, this scheme was launched by the Sports Minister in early 2018 and is delivered through a group of partners and experts in safeguarding including the Child Protection in Sport Unit (NSPCC) and Sport England.
The scheme supports martial arts clubs and providers to implement and maintain high quality safeguarding practices and where these have been demonstrated, the club/provider is able to display our Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts logo.